
Sponsors Housing

Can you imagine trying to establish a comfortable and successful life without the important foundation of safe and stable housing? For many, the very thought of this is unimaginable, yet finding a home is often the single most challenging hurdle to clear during the reentry journey. Without a home, tackling health challenges, finding employment and developing healthy relationships is nearly impossible. That’s why Sponsors, with the generous support of our partners, is committed to providing affordable housing options for our most vulnerable community members.

Transitional Housing

Transitional housing provides individuals exiting incarceration with a safe, supportive home as they embark on their reentry journey.  Participants in our voluntary program have access to a Case Manager, employment support, individualized assistance to meet basic needs, behavioral health services, and mentorship.

To apply for Sponsors Transitions Program, download the application here. Completed applications can be sent to [email protected].

Permanent Supportive Housing

Sponsors also provides affordable Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) solutions for individuals who experience the greatest barriers to achieving stability on the private market. PSH communities play a critical role in efforts to break the cycle of homelessness and incarceration.

In collaboration with Homes for Good and other key partners, Sponsors continues to develop new PSH programs to better support participants working toward self-sufficiency.

Roosevelt Crossing

Bothy Cottage and Downtown Campus

Roosevelt Crossing is Sponsors’ transitional campus for male-identifying residents. Behavioral health services, the mentorship program, the Reentry Resource Center, community gardens and a gym are all available on-site.

The Downtown Campus is reserved for female-identifying residents. Bothy Cottage, a unique property designed specifically for mothers in transition to live with their children, is located on the campus along with parenting classes, support groups and more.

The Oaks at 14th and Jeffrey Commons are just two of several Sponsors’ long-term campuses offering continued supports. The Oaks is an apartment community, while Jeffrey Commons is a community of studio style tiny homes. Both communities are designed to meet the needs of individuals who have graduated from transitional housing and experience barriers that make it very difficult for them to secure other housing in the community.

Additional campuses are scattered throughout the Eugene area.

The Oaks at 14th

Jeffrey Commons